New research has proved us women correct, and rather fabulous too!
It reveals what us women always knew, that Irish mammies are magic.
The results show that the average Irish mammy performs tasks from a total of TWELVE different occupations during their day-to-day work. Irish mothers have the ability to become everything from cleaner to counsellor and tour guide to teacher.
The research, carried out by Tesco mobile, shows that 82% of mammies perform the duties of a cleaner, 80% perform those of a nurse and 76% perform those of a stock controller, insuring the contents of the cupboards don’t go empty.
An Irish mother is a dab hand in the kitchen, as 76% can transform into a chef with the handing of a ladle and apron.
Give an Irish mother a holiday brochure and six different opinions on where everybody wants to spend their two weeks abroad, and she will organise the mammoth task of an overseas holiday, keeping everybody content, hence Irish mother becomes ‘travel agent’.
The survey also showed how the modern Irish mother is relying on technology to make running a household easier.
Of those surveyed, 72% believe that modern technology has made it much easier to keep in contact with the children, while 44% think it has made it easier to keep tabs on their children’s lives. Hence, Irish mammy becomes parole officer, we’re just kidding.
Dr Katherine Rake, of the Family and Parenting Institute told the Irish Independent; “Mums today not only work longer hours both at work and within the home, but are also the lynchpin of family life and the hub for family communication.
“Parents today are under pressure from all sorts of angles, and so mums today are making the most of the technologies at hand,” she continued.
The 12 occupations the average Irish mother can magically transform into are:
Cleaner (82%)
Nurse (80%)
Stock controller (77%)
Chef (76%)
Household PA (76%)
Party organiser (75%)
Counsellor (73%)
Teacher (70%)
Relationship expert (69%)
Tour guide (61%)
Travel agent (60%)
Accountant (59%)
And here’s what our mothers have taught us…