The Internet is a scary place and children can sometimes fall victim to others with malicious intents. Kids are easily misled online; particularly in chat rooms and paedophiles often use Facebook and other social networking sites as a means of contacting children. Aside from this, your children have access to millions of websites that display inappropriate content which all of which are extremely accessible. We think it is vital to monitor your children’s time spent on the computer and we have some advice so that you can put a safety plan into action.
Social Networking
Most teenagers have a Facebook or Twitter profile nowadays but social networking sites pose a real danger to children. Paedophiles use these websites to contact children and build a relationship with them. It is a danger because children often do not see the harm in speaking to someone who may act like their friend and treat them like a grown up. It is okay for you to monitor your child’s Facebook and it is advised. Talk with your child about communicating with strangers online. Check your child’s privacy settings frequently to ensure that others cannot communicate with them or flick through their pictures.
Outside dangers are not the only thing you must worry about. Children can be bullied on social networking sites through text and email and cyber bullying is becoming increasingly common.
Block Dangerous Websites
UPC and other providers offer parental control services, which you can install onto your computer. This type of software will not allow your children to access pornography or other dangerous websites, which will take a weight off your mind.
Limit the Time Your Child Spends Online
There is no need for your child to be spending hours upon hours online. Limit their time to one hour in the evenings. Less time spent on the computer means that your child will have less time to access dangerous websites.
Install Your Computer Where You Can See It
Install your computer in a room where your family spends a lot of time. Avoid setting up computers in your child’s bedroom but instead, set it up in the kitchen or sitting room. This will allow you to keep an eye on what your child is doing online. Installing computers in your child’s bedroom encourages secrecy and late night surfing.
Don’t Forget Their Phones
All mobile phones allow their users to access the internet and it is important that you recognise that your child could be accessing websites in this way. Talk to your service provider to ensure that your child cannot access the internet this way.