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01st Nov 2012

Pinocchio Mums Tell Lies To Make Other Women Feel Bad

Women tell fibs to appear as the perfect parent and put down other mums.


Every mum gets a little bit insecure about their parenting skills from time to time, but a new study has revealed that over half of mothers lie to other women to make themselves appear as better parents.

Many mums don’t admit to making parenting mistakes to their friends and women resort to lying about their experiences rather than admitting that they sometimes don’t do everything by the book.

The research, conducted by BabyCentre, found that most mums are pressured into putting a positive spin on things in order to impress other mothers.

The survey also revealed that everyone makes mistakes on occasion and many of us admit to taking shortcuts to make family life less hectic.

Nine in ten mums keep their kids quiet in front of the television on a regular basis while one third of mothers admitted to giving their kids chocolate and sweets for their dinner once in a while.

Many mums lie about using the TV to keep thier kids quiet!

“Parenting is a tough job. We all struggle from time to time. I don’t think mums should ever feel bad about admitting to cutting corners.

“What I find really interesting is how mums tell us that they try to keep up appearances with parents they meet in the real world but online there is nothing they won’t share. In our community on BabyCentre mums are always confessing to less-than-perfect mummy moments.

“And they find that when they do, they get a chorus of other mums saying: ‘Oh yes, I’ve done that too!’ You can be anonymous in the online world so it’s easier to be honest and it makes you feel so much better to find out that you’re not alone,” she said.

Shockingly, two fifths of mums revealed they have felt dislike for their tot and three quarters of mums feel relieved to return to work on Monday morning. can understand why mums sometimes lie, but as children we definitely appreciated the telly time and the sweeties! 

If you’re struggling to keep your kids entertained away from the telly this midterm, why not take our rainy day advice!


Mums & Dads