Nothing really prepares a mother for those teenage years, those hormones and mood swings, arguments, unreasonable, and sometimes crazy, behaviour but at least now we now that a daughter will appreciate her mother at the end of it all.
A new study has revealed that women do not fully appreciate their mother until they turn 23. The research was commissioned by Lil-lets as part of their Becoming a Teen campaign and surveyed about 2000 women.
Mary Young, Head of Marketing at Lil-Lets, said: “The relationship between mum and daughter can be testing during the teenage years but it’s clear that when a woman reaches her early twenties she appreciates her mum more than ever.”
”It’s not unusual for a girl’s teenage years to be full of angst. Falling out with parents, worries about growing up and long chats over boys is probably the norm for most teenage girls. But as you get older you really learn to appreciate your mum and how much she did for you.”
The study also discovered that a year as a teenager would include a whopping 183 tussles with mum, 164 door slams and 123 bouts of tears over boys. Most of the arguments would be over bedroom tidiness, answering back and boys.
However, many teenagers noted they had heart to hearts with their mothers that proved crucial to getting through certain points in their teens.
It’s not easy being a teenager, eh?