We all know that children are obsessed with running around and jumping on things. Now, however, paediatricians are warning that doctors should “actively discourage” children from playing on trampolines.
Why, you ask? Well according to the American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP), letting children loose on a trampoline in the garden can result in some serious injuries.
Young children are at high risk of breaking or fracturing a bone, or receiving a joint dislocation, said the AAP. And most injuries occur when a child falls off the trampoline or collides with another child while jumping on the springy surface.
The group of noted paediatricians also stated that they doubt the safety equipment on trampolines, like the protective mats used to cover the springs, actually work effectively.
In Ireland, trampolines are a common feature in many family homes and gardens – sure remember the craze a few years ago where everyone wanted one? But few of us realise just how dangerous they can be to young children.
“Paediatricians need to actively discourage recreational trampoline use,” said Dr Michele LaBotz, from the AAP.
“Families need to know that many injuries occur on the mat itself, and current data do not appear to demonstrate that netting or padding significantly decrease the risk of injury,” she added.
Do you have a trampoline for your children?
Research from the AAP showed that a massive three-quarters of injuries occur when more than one child is using a trampoline, and children under the age of five are considered to be most at risk of hurting themselves.
Falls from trampolines account for a third of injuries and the AAP warned that these falls “can potentially be catastrophic.”
The worrying thing about this research? Even adult supervision can’t stop children from injuring themselves, with many injuries actually happening while the children were being supervised.
The AAP also warned that “failed attempts at somersaults and flips frequently cause cervical spine injuries, resulting in permanent and devastating consequences.”
We’re all for children getting some exercise and having fun in the process, but what do you think about these findings? Is it time you swapped the family trampoline for something a little safer?