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12th Nov 2012

Fighting A Constant Battle With Your Mother In Law? Almost Half Of Women Dream Of Telling Her To Shut Up!

Mother in laws are always on hand to offer you advice but when it comes to the children we sometimes wish they wouldn’t.


When we first find that dream guy we hardly think about meeting his parents but almost inevitably romance leads to a relationship with your fella’s mom at some point.

However, a new survey has revealed that four out of 10 women have an ‘uneasy’ relationship with their mother in law and feel that the advice of their husband’s mum is overbearing, especially when it comes to how to raise the children.

As many as one in 10 women are currently not speaking to their mother in laws after arguing about what is best for the kids.

Constantly stating ‘In my day, we did it like this ’ also ranked highly in the survey conducted by OnePoll.

Daughter in laws are also quite sensitive about weight and often argue with our mother in laws after an inappropriate comment about our appearance.

A spokesperson for the company said: “There are many good things about mother-in-laws, such as them always being around to lend a hand with the babysitting.

“But the report seems to suggest they also know exactly how to push the buttons of their daughter in law, if they want to make a point.

Shut up, Shut up, Shut up!

“Raising children is always going to be a contentious issue, but this emerged as the most common cause for arguments.

”Perhaps age-old jokes about the mother-in-law still have a place in our society for the time being.”

It seems our other halves get caught up in the family drama too as 41 per cent of women ask their partners to have a word with their mum if an issue arises.

Around half of women have argued with their partner about the mother-in-law, with 38 per cent even admitting their partner’s mother has put a strain on their relationship.

It seems mother in law drama can even put the nail in the coffin of a relationship and 20 per cent have split up with a boyfriend or husband because of his crazy mom!

The research revealed that women named Margaret, Marjorie, Brenda, Linda, Peg and Maureen are most likely to be the craziest mother in laws.

Have you ever had trouble with the overbearing mother of your partner?


Mums & Dads