One of the great advantages of a good summer is being out in the sun and enjoying a change of routine.
This can often mean a change of diet too but it’s vitally important to make sure that your baby is still getting the nutrition it needs.
1) Load up on the sunshine vitamin
As the child grows, it will have different requirements and the early period between the ages of one and two years old is a key time to make sure they are getting all of the necessary nutrients to strengthen their body and fuel their adventures. Many Irish toddlers are not getting enough of these key nutrients, with 91 per cent not getting the recommended amount of vitamin D and 23 per cent of one-year-olds lacking in iron.
One of the most overlooked elements is Vitamin D, which is essential for healthy bones. While it can be absorbed from the sun, a baby’s skin is very delicate and must be protected with a strong SPF when outdoors, which makes it even more crucial that this important nutrient is included in their diet. Irish scientific research has proven that growing up milk helps reduce the risk of inadequacies of key nutrients like iron and vitamin D in the diets of toddlers aged one to two years.
2) Be prepared with healthy snacks
If your child is on solids, then it always helps to have some healthy snacks ready for when they get hungry. From mini-cheeses (rich in calcium) to sliced fruit or vegetables (vitamins and minerals), this is a great way to get some vitamins into your child – even while they’re on the go!
3) Don’t forget the fluids
Chaotic days can mean that people forget about their daily water intake and an increase in physical activity means that it’s easy to slip into dehydration. Make sure the kids enjoy regular drinks, from homemade lemonade to coconut water to keep those hydration levels up.
4) Work together
Once your child is old enough, make cooking part of your list of activities to enjoy with your child to help them foster a relationship with food and understanding of what they’re eating. From picking peas or herbs from the garden to adding raisins to your baking, these little jobs will be fun and give them a great sense of achievement.
5) Keep it light
Over the summer months, your child may not be interested in eating large amounts so instead, opt for light but nutritious meals such as smoothies, salads or a milk formula. Don’t worry if they refuse to sit and finish a meal as small amounts of food throughout the day can provide the same result… without the tantrums!
Aptamil Growing Up Milk should be used as part of a healthy balanced diet.