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26th Sep 2012

Everyday Chemicals are Linked to Miscarriage and Birth Defects in Infants

New research has revealed that chemicals we encounter daily could have an effect on a healthy pregnancy and produce abnormalities.


A new study has shown that chemicals we encounter every day could have an effect on pregnancy, and potentially cause women to miscarry.

According to The Irish Independent, researchers found that an exposure to high levels of BPA, can impact the way eggs develop.

BPA is an additive commonly used in the manufacturing of plastic can alter the egg’s structure and pose problems in the third trimester of a pregnancy.

The study, which was conducted at Washington State University conducted the study on rhesus monkeys and revealed that BPA could even affect your children’s ability to have a healthy pregnancy.

Despite the evidence, researchers said the amount of BPA used in the study was many hundred times higher than the amount expectant mothers would have within their system.

“The levels of exposure used by the authors in the present study are far in excess of human exposure, by many 100-fold, so raise minimal health concerns for pregnant women and their babies,” said Richard Sharp of the MRC Centre for Reproductive Health at Edinburgh University.
