Worrying research has today confirmed that salty junk foods numb the taste buds of your children, making them eat even more.
After eating salty foods, children find it difficult to distinguish between flavours, which can cause obesity, and even further weight complications.
Researchers believe that by cutting out salty treats like crisps and chips and introducing new flavours, parents can reverse the risk of obesity and help overweight children shift the pounds.
Doctors in Germany’s Berlin University asked 200 children between the ages of six and 18 to identify different flavours on paper strips.
Introducing your children to new flavours can reduce the risk of obesity
The children ranged in weight from obese to the recommended size.
All of the flavours varied between sweet, sour, salty, bitter and savoury.
The study showed that children who were the recommended size were 10 per cent more likely to distinguish between the different flavours compared to the obese children who sometimes had trouble identifying the flavours.
Salt is often added to processed food to give it flavor and high levels of salt are found in junk food such as crisps, pizzas, takeaways and biscuits.
Do you think this study would change our minds when it comes to throwing that multi-pack of crips into our shopping baskets?