It seems like Late Late Toy Show excitement has reached all new levels of hysteria this year…
All over the country, people are armed with tins of quality street and cozy onesies, ready to enjoy what has become a national treasure (and in fact Ireland’s favourite Christmas tradition.)
As is to be expected, the people of Ireland have taken to Twitter to share their excitement, as only the Irish can.
Eeek The #LateLateToyShow is on in two hours!!
— Samantha Kelly (@Tweetinggoddess) November 27, 2015
My nan said today that as a child, I never wanted to watch the #LateLateToyShow. What…?Me?!?! — Jessica Flynn (@roflcopterftw) November 27, 2015
Just spent €25 on cheese. This is going to be the most highbrow viewing of the #LateLateToyShow in history.
— Louise McSharry (@louisemcsharry) November 27, 2015
Yippee it’s #LateLateToyShow Friday……. — Dustin The Turkey (@DustinOfficial) November 27, 2015
#LateLateToyShow on Friday. Where my horologists at?
— Seán Earley (@seanearley) November 22, 2015
#LateLateToyShow outfit sorted! Thanks @latelateshow for the class new #ToyShowforTempleSt jumper! ???? — Carl Mullan – 2XM (@CarlMullan) November 20, 2015
I more sleep to the #LateLateToyShow !!! Did anyone hear if nanny morgan got her ticket? @RTELateLateShow #NannyMorgansToyShow
— Sinead Lyons (@sineadlyons1974) November 26, 2015
Love how serious the entire nation takes the Late Late Toy Show?? — Jazz (@JasmineMaherxx) November 27, 2015
Have you your Fanta drunk ALREADY? What kind of a state will you be in by the time the Toy Show is on? Pace yourself now.
— irishmammies (@irishmammies) November 27, 2015
How can I watch the Late Late Toy show from the UK??? #irishgirlproblems ??
— Nadia Forde (@NadiaForde) November 27, 2015