The Rose of Tralee is set to host a third televised night this August – showing the public the selection process for the final 32 Roses for the first time ever.
The selection process, which is usually held during regional finals in Portlaoise during May, will now be televised on RTE on the Sunday before the live final broadcast on Monday, August 22nd and Tuesday, August 23rd.
RTÉ is set to broadcast an hour-long documentary on Sunday, featuring the 68 Roses and their journey to Tralee.
Fans of the festival will welcome the move from a five-day to a seven-day festival, with current Rose of Tralee Elysha Brennan welcoming the new plans for expansion:
“This is great news for anyone who considers entering the 2016 Rose selection in their regions. Whoever is picked as their 2016 county, city or country Rose will travel to Tralee in August.”
Fancy becoming a Rose and joining Dáithí on stage?
Details on how to become a Rose, and an online application form, can be found here.
Lead Image: RTÉ