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26th Jan 2020

Love Island’s Connagh has admitted that he would consider a reunion with Rebecca

Rebecca O'Keeffe


Oh, how we love this tea.

Love Island’s Connagh Howard has said that he has not ruled out a future romance with Rebecca Gormley.

Iiiiinteresting when you consider her decision at a recoupling resulting in him being dumped from the villa.

Rebecca chose to partner up with Luke T, which left Siannise Fudge with a choice between Connagh and Nas Majeed.

She chose Nas, which left Connagh – who had previously been pursued by both Siannise and Rebecca – sent home.

Speaking following his exit from the villa, he said:

“I wasn’t confident because Rebecca’s quite hard to read, she doesn’t give too much away,” he said.

“Even before the two new lads came in I was trying to see where her head was at, who she was interested in, and she didn’t say too much… So I had doubts in my mind.”

“If I’m still single and if she does have a change of heart in the future and wanted to try again, I wouldn’t completely close it off.”

He said: “It’s the fear of the unknown.”

“You haven’t got a clue what these lads are going to be like, who they’re interested in.”

“I definitely had an idea one of them would be interested in Rebecca because she’s a stunning girl. People are going to be interested.”

“But after meeting them, I could sympathise with them because I had been in their position too.”

“So, there wasn’t any hostility from me – I get it, you’ve come in here for the same reasons as I have.”

“Everyone deserves their fair chance to get to know whoever. It was nice to see new faces in the villa as well.”

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