Ah, god.
Look, we all know it’s difficult to keep track of your dates at the best of times.
After all, who among us can truly say when our last period really was or what date we became pregnant or when our baby is due anyway?
Just joking, you should totally know that stuff.
A few people who don’t know that stuff though are the lads over at Emmerdale. Or maybe they do know that stuff and they had a momentary lapse in sanity and the ability to count but either way, hear us out.
Last night, Tracy announced that she was pregnant with her estranged ex-husband, David’s, baby.
She said that she was six weeks pregnant. Grand.
Except it wasn’t grand at all because Tracy slept with her ex-husband three weeks ago so honestly, how would this even be possible?
Did David time travel? Was his sperm so powerful that he impregnated Tracy from the past? Who can say for sure.
Tracy and David slept together on the 26th June!! That’s NOT 6 weeks ago #supersperm #emmerdale
— Rob (@robday2783) July 19, 2018
How can Tracy be SIX weeks pregnant when she only had sex with David a fortnight ago ❓#emmerdale
— Eileen M Cumiskey (@cumiskey55) July 20, 2018
The second mistake was that David legit got chemotherapy on his testicles meaning that he probably wouldn’t be able to have any more kids anyway.
Sure look, this is Emmerdale, what can you do?
Tracy eventually revealed that she had terminated the pregnancy anyway so honestly, we won’t have to worry about this blunder for too long.
Thank god.