What he even do, man?
Love Island is full of slagging, shifting, and absolute shade.
It wouldn’t be the same show if we didn’t have Hayley saying kissing Eyal made her want to vomit, or Megan talking shit about Georgia, or no one saying they fancy Dr Alex.
It’d be a different show altogether without all that shade.
That being said, there is some shade being thrown about the villa that we just can’t figure out the origin of.
See, for example, Jack and Dani during last night’s episode.
When it became apparent that Hayley and Charlie were going to leave the villa, Dani and Jack began saying that they wished they had voted for Georgia and Josh instead because they pretty much hate them.
Since when? No idea. What did they do? Seemingly nothing.
Jack and Dani seem to think they have though. Or that Josh at least has. They really hate him.
“I don’t like Josh, I’ve made up my mind,” Dani said to Jack when they were alone.
Jack, delighted, responded: “Thank you, he’s a bellend. No mate, you’re telling me a new bird showed him a point of interest, he’d be all over that.”
Based on what, Jack? He’s been given about 0.2 seconds of screentime in there, mate.
Later, speaking on her own, Dani echoed his sentiments. She said:
“I just wish I voted for Josh and Georgia. I don’t know what it is but I just really don’t like him. I find him a bit sleazy.
“‘I just don’t trust him. Not that I don’t find him and Georgia compatible, but do I? I’m just not 100 percent I believe them.”
Unless Josh did something super horrible to Jack and Dani that we simply didn’t see on camera.
That’s the only likely explanation, in fairness.