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27th Mar 2013

You’ve Made It Philly: Tallafornia Philly’s “Pr*ck” Photo Story Has Hit Front Page News Stateside

Your mother must be proud...


Philly’s dream might have been to be famous the world over for his boyish charm and rugged good looks… and he shouldn’t be too disappointed. His wish has come true, well, kind of.

Tallafornia’s Philip Penny’s mission to get a photo of himself posing with a “fan” off the internet has backfired in his face. Has nobody ever told him the minute you try to get rid of something on the internet, it will make front page?

Well, Philly’s story has. In fact, the tale of how one guy posted a less-than-complimentary photo of himself and the reality TV star online and how the said photo has gone viral since Philly threatened to sue has made it to front page news, online, Stateside.

US news website have featured the story as one of the main news items of the day on its homepage. Yup, there it is alongside other “censorship” stories like how Iran is blocking VPNs to tighten its stronghold on the internet and top stories like how home prices are soaring and how Lincoln, Nebraska is the best US city for well-being.

The article, written by Neetzan Zimmerman reads:

Philip “Phil” Penny stars as a Situation knock-off in Ireland’s “drink-sodden” answer to Jersey Shore, Tallafornia.

It should therefore come as little surprise that Penny is kind of a prick.

But don’t tell him that: A photo of an ostensible fan photobombing Penny with the word “prick” earned its photographer a decidedly prickish lawsuit threat from Penny.

“Just to let u no ur being sued.goodluck,” Penny posted in the comments underneath the prankster’s photo on Facebook.

It continues:

Unfortunately for Penny, the Internet isn’t limited to one man’s Facebook page, and the photo soon made its way to Reddit, where it attracted the attention of several other websites, ensuring the photo’s graduation from one-hit wonder to full-on Barbra Streisand.

Penny, for his part, was none-too-pleased about his entirely reasonable photo-scrubbing request going in the complete opposite direction, and responded to the subsequent backfire in signature prick form…

The article then features Philly’s Facebook status on all the haters out there and how they really hate him. It was quite difficult to read, his grammar is more-than-atrocious, so the good lads over at Epic News Daily did a dramatic reading of the comment. Well worth the listen here.

You can go home now Philly, you’ve made it Stateside kid.


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