The 17 year-old daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger, Ireland Baldwin, has followed in her mama’s footsteps by signing with a top-modelling agency. The model, who was the subject of a fairly abusive phone call from Daddy way back when, has certainly moved into the big leagues…
The six-foot, two-inch stunner has been signed to IMG Models, the same company who currently represents Kate Moss and Miranda Kerr.
Ireland tweeted her good news last week: “Officially working for @TwoManagement and @IMGmodels ! I’m blessed, happy, and ready to WEEEEERK.”
Ireland had been the subject of a bitter custody battle between her parents after their divorce, but has now claimed she is closest to boyfriend Slater Trout, according to The Sun. The custody battle led to Kim Basinger releasing a phone message that father Alec Baldwin had left for his child.
Not such a little pig now, eh Alec?