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04th Sep 2014

WATCH: Benedict Cumberbatch’s Drunk Acceptance Speech At The GQ Awards Will Make You Love Him Even More

Trust us, this makes for fantastic viewing.


Just when you think it isn’t humanly possible to have any more admiration and love for Benedict Cumberbatch, he takes to a podium to prove us wrong. 

Cumberbatch won ‘Actor of the Year’ at the GQ Men of the Year Awards on Monday evening and took to the stage to say thanks for the accolade.

The Sherlock star began by expressing his gratitude to James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Tom Hardy for not being available before he continues with what can only be described as a fairly brilliant acceptance speech.

The actor explains that he’s had one or two too many to drink before admitting to needing to use the gents and bids farewell to the crowd.

Trust us, this makes for fantastic viewing.
Video via YouTube/MyPieceOfHell