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14th Mar 2013

Wait, What? Even The Westboro Baptist Church Likes Jennifer Lawrence?

But, wait, they hate absolutely everybody... No really, everybody...

Sue Murphy

We all love Jennifer Lawrence. Seriously, everyone on this planet can’t get enough of her. Her co-stars love her, the press loves her and now it seems even the Westboro Baptist Church love her.

But wait you say, aren’t they the crazy religious fundamentalist group that pretty much hates everyone and will protest and picket at any event, even if it’s in completely bad taste? Yes, that is them.

A spokesperson for the Church Steve Drain, told the Huffington Post: “OK. Jennifer Lawrence… I think that most of the young people in our church saw Hunger Games. And I think they all liked that… She just kinda burst onto the scene, didn’t she? She doesn’t have a very long film career, does she?” he asked the magazine.


When the magazine informed Drain the actress had starred in Winter’s Bone, Drain continued: “”Oh! That’s her? Winter’s Bone rocked! That was a great flick,” he said. “I like Winter’s Bone quite a bit. I think she did a very nice job there. Yep.”

So we can basically set it in stone, everyone loves Jennifer Lawrence. Everyone.


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