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08th Apr 2014

VIDEO: Christina Hendricks’ Beauty Is Life Threatening – At Least for One Cyclist

Talk about a confidence boost.


Mad Men beauty Christina Hendricks is so stunning it’s actually dangerous to men’s health – after one cyclist crashed his bike and flew over the handle bars staring at her.

Chatting to Conan O’Brien ahead of the final season of the show, the presenter asked how Hendricks deals with men acting ‘dopey and silly’ around the star.

Christina goes on to tell the host how a man, who was staring at her rather than watching the cycle path ahead, crashed into the curb – sending him flying off the saddle.

The star also revealed in the interview that she plans to return to her original blonde roots following the round-up of the hit TV-Show, leaving both her on-screen persona Joan Harris and the red hair behind.

Somehow, we don’t think it’ll do much to sway the male population’s attention. Even if she insists it was “just one time!”

Video via Time