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03rd Dec 2012

Twinkle Twinkle! You’ll Never Believe Which TV Presenter Adele King Fancies a ‘Steamy’ Night With

Adele King, aka Panto star Twink, had us spitting out our morning cuppa in shock earlier today when she admitted to dreaming of a hot and steamy night with one Irish TV personality…

Rebecca McKnight

They could have been Irish showbiz royalty…

We’ve all got our guilty pleasures when it comes to the steamy sessions of our fantasies. Simon Cowell, James Corden and Gordon Ramsay have all topped lists of secret crushes for women, but we can’t say we’ve ever had dirty thoughts about this particular well-known face. You could say we’ve never wanted to see Kenny ‘LIVE’ in that way.

Never one to shy away from a little controversy, Panto legend Twink is currently plugging her autobiography on various Irish media outlets. This morning, she spoke to the lovely Anna Daly on Ireland AM about the brilliantly named ‘Twink: Unzipped’, and as usual when it comes to Twink, there was a serious case of TMI. 

Firstly we learned that the entertainer always wanted to be a doctor, and she claims she still does. It’s just too easy to start making jokes about her bedside manner, so we’ll leave that be. 

The big laugh, however, was reserved for her answer to the question who would she choose if asked to pick ‘one famous person, for one hot steamy night.’

Her answer? None other than RTÉ’s own Pat Kenny. ‘I think he’s very steamy’, she confessed. 

Would you like to get steamy with this man? Twink would…

In the hours that passed we can’t help thinking that Ireland lost out by never seeing this pairing happen, so we’ve decided to take a look at how it might have been…


The Wedding Day: Hello! would have paid a fortune…

The bundle of joy – according to one facemorph tool this is how baby Patwink would have looked

The scandal… well something would have to inspire ‘Zip up your Mickey’

It really is a shame – as celeb couples go, Patwink would have been fantastic. 
