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02nd Jun 2015

Tom Hardy’s 2008 MySpace Page Is All Kinds Of Amazing

Our Tom has come a long way...

Megan Cassidy

We are all haunted by our cyber past and Hollywood heartthrob Tom Hardy is no exception.

Nowadays he may be rubbing shoulders with Charlize Theron on the big screen, but once upon a time Tom Hardy had an absolute gem of a MySpace account.

Tom Hardy Myspace feature

From the looks of it the Mad Max star was rather fond of posting semi-nude duckface photos and referring to himself as “a goldfish walking through a desert.”

(If you opened this at work, we’re sorry.)

An excerpt from his ‘About Me’ section reads: “I act for a living now adopting characters for money, it is a language I was born into. 

“I pray I don’t get caught up “living the dream.” such a lonely place [sic].”

If you’re lonely Tom, we’ll keep you company.