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27th Apr 2013

This Week’s Top Five Celebland Tweets: The New Celeb Selfie Shot, Ireland’s Most Stylish Lady And A Different Career For Harry Styles

Yes, this is the second week in a row Gervais has made the cover photo. The man is just amazing.


Twitter… the ultimate celebrity creeping-machine.

The population of Celebland spend hours each day updating their Twitter with celebratory posts, bitchy posts, whimsical posts and, who could forget, the self-portrait photo posts…

In this celebrity feature, This Week’s Top 5 Celebland Tweets, we’ll be picking the top five tweets from the week that had us, and the world of Twitter, talking…

This week, we were creeping on…

1. Father Snoop

“No biggie”. 

2. Stylish Lady

Irish TV presenter Kathryn Thomas rocked her Lya Solis dress at last night’s VIP Style Awards. Here are the top winners… 

3. New Career Calling?

Styles, we think you’d be great as a film critic. No, seriously. 

4. Bynes’ New “Me”

Amanda Bynes has shaved her head… and now it looks like she’s keeping any possible future career options open too. 

5. The New Selfie Shot 

You take it lying on the floor, you see. Gervais has it down to a tee. Looks like JT’s having fun too. 


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