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01st Jun 2013

This Week’s Top Five Celebland Tweets: So, Who Had The Flashback Photo Of Simon Cowell?

Simon's looking... less-Botoxed.


Twitter… the ultimate celebrity creeping-machine.

The population of Celebland spend hours each day updating their Twitter with celebratory posts, bitchy posts, whimsical posts and, who could forget, the self-portrait photo posts…

In this celebrity feature, This Week’s Top 5 Celebland Tweets, we’ll be picking the top five tweets from the week that had us, and the world of Twitter, talking…

This week, we were creeping on…

1. Daisy Dukes

Amy jokes about her hubby Brian O’Driscoll’s oh-so-sensuous water pouring… 

2. Taylor Dances In The Sun

Is that a Haiku Taylor? Swifty tries out her poetry with the Twittersphere. 

3. Sound Advice

No sympathy for Amanda from Courtney anyway. 

4. Flashback!

Would you look at that… Demi posts a vintage snapshot of the man himself on Twitter. We love it. 


5. Zach Rains On The Rock And Kendrick

Anna Kendrick and The Rock had a bit of a flirt on the social media machine this week. Zach Braff had enough though, and he let them know too… 


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