Twitter… the ultimate celebrity creeping-machine.
The population of Celebland spend hours each day updating their Twitter with celebratory posts, bitchy posts, whimsical posts and, who could forget, the self-portrait photo posts…
In this celebrity feature, This Week’s Top 5 Celebland Tweets, we’ll be picking the top five tweets from the week that had us, and the world of Twitter, talking…
This week, we were creeping on…
1. Jessie Goes Bald
The singer shaved her head this week for charity with Comic Relief. The legend raised half a MILLION pounds and she still looks unreal… You go girl.
2. Geri Does Public Transport
We’ve never seen a bigger deal made out of a journey on the Tube. Spice Girl Geri Halliwell was sick of traffic so decided to travel on the Underground in London. She tweeted every single moment of it (this is just an edited version of her Twitter feed, believe us). Well now Halliwell, this is what it’s like to be a Muggle!
3. The Coolest Besties Ever
Rebel Wilson is the coolest person ever. Channing Tatum is one of the hottest guys out there. He retweeted Rebel’s photo of the two of them during the week with a winky face… this is just too much for us.
4. Taylor’s GSOH
Taylor is coming into her own. We’re loving her new tune, 22 (watch video here), and she’s getting very Twitter-witty.
5. Lily’s Fed Up
Singer Lily Cooper (nee Allen) tweeted her fury at online trolls this week…