Twitter… the ultimate celebrity creeping-machine.
The population of Celebland spend hours each day updating their Twitter with celebratory posts, bitchy posts, whimsical posts and, who could forget, the self-portrait photo posts…
In this celebrity feature, This Week’s Top 5 Celebland Tweets, we’ll be picking the top five tweets from the week that had us, and the world of Twitter, talking…
This week, we were creeping on…
1. Ingenious
Ricky Gervais is just a legend. Full-stop.
2. True.
Although we doubt you were traipsing up and down the stairs with the Hoover yourself Frankie…
3. Jedward-ara?
The troublesome threesome are back together again… Jedward will have to rethink their moniker.
4. Grab The Tissues
Voted the best photo of the week! Rochelle snaps a photo of Marvin and their baby daughter, Alaia-Mai. How cute.
5. Wowza
Yup, this is Rihanna’s arse. It’s the photo that caused a bit of a stir online, to put it lightly. What better way to celebrate the end of a video shoot than posting a pic of your thonged-ass up on Twitter, eh?