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03rd Aug 2012

‘The Hills’ Heidi Montag Says She Would Not Recommend Cosmetic Surgery…Despite Having Ten Ops In One Day

'The Hills' star Heidi Montag admits she would not recommend cosmetic surgery to anybody...


Her name is known more so for her bizarre relationship with plastic surgery and her bonkers marriage to Spencer Pratt than it is for her time on reality television show, ‘The Hills’.

Heidi Montag is famous for undergoing an incredible 10 plastic surgery prodecures in one day, all for purely cosmetic reasons. They included a brow-lift, chin reduction, breast implants, liposuction, a nose revision and ear pinning. But it is only now Montag admits she would not recommend anyone to follow in her footsteps.

“I lived and I learned,” Heidi told CelebBuzz.

“I wouldn’t really recommend it for other people. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be going through it, physically, mentally, emotionally, recovering. But I’m just glad it’s done and that everything healed so well.

“My doctor told me it would originally take two years, so it’s finally settling in now. It feels really good to be healthy and strong,” she reveals.

The attractive 25-year-old shocked the world at the time when she announced she was going to undergo so many cosmetic procedures, and all at once.

She has also said she’s happy none of the 10 procedures went horribly wrong.

“I feel really thankful it all came out so well, it could have been disastrous,” she said.

“I really hate talking about it now because it was so long ago. I was a much different person back then to who I am now. I didn’t realise how much of ‘The Hills’-and going through that-would define who I am.”

Publicly confessing to People magazine as being “addicted to surgery”, we do hope you feel you’ve grown up and changed Heidi.
