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07th Jul 2014

The Chop Debate – To Ponytail or Not To Ponytail?

It was never going to be an easy call...


We’ve all sported those awkward styles from years gone by. From the bowl cut inflicted by our over-zealous mums, to the mullet that should’ve died with the 80s, we’re not always loving the latest celeb styles.

The great debate – to ponytail or not to ponytail? That is the question…

Brad Pitt

The man is beautiful. There’s no denying it, but we all heaved a sigh of relief when he took a step away from the hobo not-so-chic look and trimmed the hair/beard/mess. Sorry Brad, for us, it’s definitely a don’t…

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Natalie Portman

We’ve a soft spot for this lady, and she just so happens to be so achingly beautiful, that hair is just an optional extra. After shaving her locks for V for Vendetta the world were a little stunned when she turned out on the red carpet, and still managed to look stunning. Ponytail, or not to ponytail – for Natalie it doesn’t really matter. She can pull it off either way.

Natalie Portman


Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is the universal celebrity that men, women, baby and grannies adore. As well as dripping in talent, he happens to be quite easy on the eye. And the man can pull off a ponytail. Bravo Johnny, bravo.

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Anne Hathaway

Whether you’re a Hathahater or love this lady, she does the pixie cut some serious justice. It’s not easy to shed the locks for a movie role, but the only thing she needed to be Miserables about was the dress she wore for accepting her Oscar. Ponytail or not, she looks pretty amazing.

anne hathaway


Colin Farrell

He’s our Dublin chap with the cheeky smile, but we’re left undecided about whether he can rock a pony. Some might say oily, others that he just manages. For us, he’s the tie-breaker… although we are edging on getting the chop. (Sorry!)

colin farrell

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