If you haven’t heard about what has been going on with Amanda Bynes lately, you must have been living under a rock on the moon, and even with that, we think you might have heard up there. However, Playboy seem to have created an opportunity for the former teen star.
According to TMZ, Bynes has been offered her own radio show by Playboy Radio. The station originally was offered a guest presenter slot on the station, but this has now been changed to a one hour show.
The offer is for a one-week trial but Playboy are really pushing the boat out, even asking Amanda would she like her own personal driver to bring her to and from work. Bynes has also been offered a producer to work on the show.
There has been no comment as of yet from the Bynes camp, or on her twitter.
Bynes let loose on the air? Is it wrong that we would want to hear that?