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09th Feb 2013

“She’s Tractor-Sized & A Hippo!” Film Critic Sparks Outrage With His Comments On A Certain Actress

A film critic for the New York Observer has been slammed for his insensitive comments.


A film critic in New York has caused major outrage after referring to an actress as “tractor-sized” and a “hippo” in a scathing review.

Celebrity gossip website reports that Rex Reed, a film critic for the New York Observer, was writing about Melissa McCarthy and her latest film Identity Thief.

Melissa has been a major fan favourite ever since she had us literally rolling on the floor laughing in Bridesmaids and let’s just say that Rex’s insensitive comments about her weight have sparked a massive public outcry.

“McCarthy (Bridesmaids is a gimmick comedian who has devoted her short career to being obese and obnoxious with equal success,” wrote Rex.

The critic then continued to make various references to the actress’ appearance, calling her a “female hippo” and “tractor-sized.”

Film critic Rex Reed writes for the New York Observer

It didn’t take long before the comments section at the bottom of the review was flooded with comments from fans angry at the critic’s remarks.

“Rex Reed, what is wrong with you? What benefit is there to attacking Melissa McCarthy personally when you’re supposed to be talking about the quality of the film? There are so few people you can count on in this over-saturated industry for true film criticism, and you just ruined any remaining shreds of credibility you had,” wrote one reader.

Melissa McCarthy hit the big time with her role in the hilarious Bridesmaids

Melissa McCarthy has spoken about her weight problems before, saying that she wishes she could be smaller.

“Sometimes I wish I were just magically a size six and I never had to give [my weight] a single thought,” said the actress speaking to Good Housekeeping magazine.

“But I am weirdly healthy, so I don’t beat myself up about it – it wouldn’t help and I don’t want to pass that on to my girls,” she added.

The actress has yet to comment on the film critic’s remarks.


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