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27th Feb 2013

“She’s My Greatest Achievement!” Doting Dad Brian O’Driscoll Opens Up About The Birth Of His Daughter

The rugby ace has spoken about Sadie's birth and how her arrival has changed absolutely everything...


First-time dads always dote on their little one and Brian O’Driscoll is no different. The rugby star has revealed that becoming a father is, hands down, his greatest achievement (aww!).

The Irish Independent reports that speaking for the first time about the birth of his daughter Sadie, Brian has said: “That was 100 per cent the greatest achievement of my life.”

Brian revealed that on the morning of the match, he had to leave the team hotel at 8.30am after he recieved a phone call from his wife, Amy Huberman.

“The phone went at 8.30am and I saw Amy’s name flash up and I knew then that things were underway. She was unbelivably calm, a lot more so than I was. I rushed to the [Holles Street maternity] hospital. Sadie was born [by caesarean section], we all had an hour together and then I had to pack a bag and go to play rugby,” said Brian.

“It was very weird. The management had given me until 1.15pm. I was back at the Shelbourne Hotel by midday. I didn’t want to talk to anyone but I had to wold down my food to refuel in time for kick-off. I was playing a game of that importance and yet, in an instant, my whole perspective had changed. This most wonderful thing had happened. Everything else paled into insignificance,” he added.

Brian and his wife, Amy Huberman

Brian admits that since Sadie came into the world his priorities have changed:

“Of course rugby has been and is important. But it’s eclipsed at every level by a long, long way when you have a child. Games will come and go but some things are here to stay. It dominates your life. I would have thought a lot about rugby matters at this time of year,” said Brian.

“Now I don’t have time to think about rugby at all. That’s no bad thing perhaps, with the results we’ve had over the past few weeks ,” he added.

Even losing a match to England didn’t sting in the same way that it used to for the rugby ace…

“Sure, any loss to England is a sore one. But right after the game my mind switched back over to my wife and newborn daughter. I went straight there and didn’t give the game another thought,” said Brian.

You can practically feel the new-daddy-glow emmanating fro his words, can’t you? We think it’s ridiculously cute and we hope that Sadie and Amy have recovered well!


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