Personally, we think of ‘The Notebook’ was one of the best date movies in the past decade, provided you’re wearing waterproof mascara.
Apparently it’s not a great choice if you’re married to R. Kelly, though.
The ‘I Believe I Can Fly’ singer has just released his memoir ‘Soulacoaster: The Diary of Me’, and in it he admits that watching Noah and Allie’s epic love story inspired him to leave his wife. Ouch.
Kelly wrote; ‘As the film credits started to roll, I couldn’t move. I burst into tears. People walking past me patted me on the back, trying to console me.’
He went on to call the movie ‘beautiful’, saying; ‘I was crying because its hero and heroine had died together. But I was also crying because I remembered a Valentine’s Day – when a helicopter dropped a rainfall of roses – that had come and gone … My marriage had died. And there was nothing I could do to bring it back.’
‘The Notebook’. Breaking hearts since 2004.