Police were called out to Chris Brown’s home yesterday after receiving a call concerning a domestic incident involving a gun at his house.
But, as has been the case with a number of recent call-outs to celebrities’ houses, it was a prank.
The police were called out to Chris Brown’s house this week.
According to TMZ the authorities got a call from someone saying that a father had gone to get a gun after having an argument with his wife but didn’t mention that it was the singer’s house.
Police then went out to check out the call and found no sign of any such dispute. Brown was not home at the time.
Miley Cyrus is another celebrity that has been involved in a similar prank call.
This is just the latest example of a growing trend called ‘swatting.’ Prank callers falsely report incidents that have taken or are taking place in order to trick the emergency services.
Kris Jenner, Miley Cyrus, Simon Cowell and Tom Cruise have all been victims of it in the past few months.
It really makes you wonder whatever happened to the innocent days of knock-door-run doesn’t it?