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14th May 2013

PHOTO: The Mystery Censorer: Some New Yorkers Can’t Cope With Beyoncé’s Hot Bikini Ad

It's just all too much for some...


There’s no escape from Bey’s amazing-ness. And some New Yorkers are getting sick of it… or else they just can’t handle the heat. 

A mystery person has taken to covering Bey’s bits at a Lower East Side bus stop. The ad is reportedly being covered up with a giant white piece of paper on a daily basis, and then someone else is ripping it back down again, Perez Hilton reports. 

The source said told the US celebrity blogger: “There is a billboard of Beyoncé at the bus stop at grand and Columbia, one of the H&M ones of her in a bikini.

“Everyday someone tapes a cover over it, now it is opaque sheeting and every day people rip it down.

“You can see what is left of yesterday as the white covering at the bottom of the ad.”

Wow Bey, you’re causing waves in NYC… 

Pic: Bowery Boogie


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