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03rd Dec 2017

People think Love Actually predicted Harry and Meghan’s relationship


Jade Hayden

Ah, lads.

It’s safe to say that there has been plenty of Harry and Meghan talk over this past week.

There’s also been a lot of Love Actually talk, seeing as it’s now December, which means that it is totally acceptable to switch on everybody’s (some people’s) favourite Christmas movie.

What we weren’t expecting though, was for these two things to cross-over and become one.

But they have, so let’s just go with it shall we?

Now, we don’t know how Harry and Meghan feel about Love Actually themselves, but we’re going to go ahead and assume that they like it very much.

And they’d probably like it a lot more (or less, who knows, like) if they discovered that people think the movie actually predicted their relationship all those years ago.

See below tweet.

We mean, you have a point Travon. The resemblance is uncanny.

And although a young (slightly) ginger boy falling for a beautiful dark haired girl probably happens all of the time and is absolutely not exclusive to Love Actually and Harry and Meghan at all, the comparison is still pretty sweet, to be honest.

A lot of other people on Twitter thought so too and they took to the social media website to share their own pics of December’s most iconic foursome.
