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12th Feb 2018

The official portraits of Barack and Michelle Obama are… certainly unusual

Barack had a GREAT reaction to Michelle's

Olivia Hayes

We’re not too sure about them.

Barack and Michelle Obama will always live on in our hearts as the best couple to ever enter the White House.

Since they left more than a year ago, it seems like things have gone from bad to worse, but outside of the White House, Michelle and Barack are taking every day as it comes, and are trying to helps others along the way.

However, their official portraits were unveiled at the National Portraits Gallery in Washington DC this morning, and well… they’re a bit odd.

Let’s just say straight up – Michelle does not look like Michelle, but it’s still a beautiful painting nonetheless.

At the unveiling, the former First Lady said: “I have to tell you that as I stand here today with all of you and look at this amazing portrait that will hang with so many iconic figures, I am overwhelmed to say the least.

“I’m thinking about all of the young people, particularly girls and girls of color, who in years ahead will come to this place and they will look up and they will see an image of someone who looks like them hanging on the wall.”

Meanwhile, Barack’s painting captured every essence of him… but we’re a bit confused about the floral background.

When first uncovered, Barack simply said “Look at that. Pretty sharp,” before going on to thank the painter of his wife’s portrait, saying that it’s “pretty hot.”

Never change, Barack.