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17th Apr 2013

“Love Can Transform You: Gay, Straight, Bi, Lesbian, Whoever” Andrew Garfield Voices His Support For Marriage Equality

The actor has admitted that he has no idea why some people are against equality for couples.


We didn’t think it was possible but Andrew Garfield has just become even more attractive in our eyes. The actor has confirmed that he’s a firm supporter of marriage equality. We imagine all the happy people in New Zealand right now will be thrilled to add him to their ranks!

Speaking to The Times, Andrew admitted that he has no idea why some people are against equality for all couples.

“[I oppose] the injustice of how homosexuals are treated, the imbalance that still exists in terms of rights and judgements,” said Andrew.

“Of course I’m in favour of marriage equality. Same-sex couples should have the same rights as anyone else. There is no argument against equality. How can anyone argue against compassion and understanding?” he added.

Andrew and his girlfriend Emma Stone

Andrew previously starred in a gay marriage-themed play called Beautiful Thing at the Sound Theatre in London in 2006.

“Jonathan wrote such a powerful play, the simplicity of it is that it’s a profound, beautiful story of how love can transform you – gay, straight, bi, lesbian, whoever,” said Andrew.


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