We all know that celebrities can be an ‘eccentric’ bunch but if there’s one place where their weirdness comes out to shine it’s in their tour riders – you know those outlandish demandes they make to venues they perform at.
From all white rooms to buckets of fried chicken, every single celebrity under the sun has at least one slightly odd (or downright insane) request on their rider.
We thought it’d be fun to look at some of the craziest demands that the A-List have made…
1. Lady Gaga: Naked Mannequins
To be honest, we wouldn’t expect any less from Lady Gaga in fairness but according to reports the naked mannequins MUST have puffy pink pubic hair. Why? No one knows. What does Gaga even do with the mannequins you ask? It’s all a mystery…
2. Mariah Carey: 20 White Kittens & A $200 Bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon
We can understand the bottle of expensive wine but actual live kittens? Seriously? We have so many questions. What would happen if one of the kittens accidentally scratched Mariah? And, more importantly, what happens to them when the show is over?
3. Kanye West: Imported Towels & Clothes For His Chauffeur
Kanye won’t use any ‘normal’ towel. Instead he specifically asks for imported and specially recut Versace towels. He also demands that any chauffer who drives him must wear clothing made from 100 per cent cotton. Why? Well, he doesn’t allow any man-made fibers near him.
4. Britney Spears: 100 Figs & A Frame Picture Of Princess Diana
When Britney rolls into town, she demands 100 figs and prunes and a frame photo of Princess Diana. According to reports, Britney is obsessed with the monarchy and believes that having a picture of Princess Di in her room boosts her creativity and inspiration. We’re assuming the figs just help her to stay regular.
5. Mary J. Blige: Toilet Seats. Lots & Lots of Toilet Seats
When Mary J. Undertakes a tour, she demands that every venue she performs at installs a brand new toilet seat in the dressing room bathroom that she’ll be using. For example, back in 2006 she performed in 35 cities. That’s 35 different toilet seats people…
6. Katy Perry: No Conversaton & No Looking
Katy Perry’s rider contains a strict 23-point “principle driver policy” which states that drivers must not speak to her. They’re also not allowed to stare at her through their rearview mirror when she’s sitting in the backseat. Okay then…
7. Jennifer Lopez: An All-White 40-Foot Trailer
Jenny from the block is well known for her diva demands and her main one is a 40-foot trailer that’s completely furnished in white. Yes, everything has to be white… even her food. J.Lo demands white flowers, white tablecloths, white drapery, white couches, white candles and white fish for her dinner.
8. Madonna: A 200+ Entourage & 20 International Phone Lines
When Madonna performs, she likes to be surrounded by people so she demands that venues cater for her 200+ entourage. Her entourage includes 30 bodyguards, personal chefs, a yoga instructor, an acupuncturist and an on-site drycleaner. She also demands 20 international phone lines. Why? No one knows. We can only imagine what they thought of her when she rolled into the Aviva last year…
9. Nicki Minaj: Scented Candles That Smell Like Baked Goods
All the candles in Nicki’s dressing room must smell like cupcakes, cakes, tarts or various other baked goods. Is it weird that we sort of think this is a semi-reasonable request?
10. Adele: The Soundest Tour Rider Ever
Adele’s tour rider is refreshing, mainly because it’s so normal. All Adele asks for is a pack of Marlboro Lights, some European larger, sandwiches (without tomatoes) and that any fan who scores a free ticket to see her makes a donation to a charity. What an absolute legend. We LOVE her.