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09th Jul 2012

Jools Oliver Admits She Regularly Snoops Through Her Husband’s Texts and Emails…

Jools Oliver, wife of celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, has come out and admitted that she regularly checks his emails and texts to make sure that he's not cheating on her...


Would you ever check your man’s emails and/or texts? Jools Oliver, the wife of celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, has shocked us all this morning with her admission that she regularly invades her husband’s privacy just to make sure he’s not cheating on her.

The Irish Daily Mail reports that Mrs Oliver admitted to regularly having a snoop through Jamie’s private correspondence when she was asked if she felt secure when her husband deals with other women.

“Yeah, I’ll check his email. I’ll check his Twitter. I’ll check his phone. Everything seems fine,” she said.

“He says I’m a jealous girl, but I think I’m fairly laid-back, considering,” she added.

Hmm…these comments come from a woman who once admitted that she was “very secure” and completely confident that Jamie would never cheat on her.

Anyway, ladies, what do you think? Is it ever okay to have a snoop through your man’s private emails and/or texts? Do you think Jools Oliver is right to be keeping an eye on himself, or do you believe she needs to take a step back and calm down?
