We’ve been keeping track of Katie Price’s weddings, relationships and pregnancies like any celebrity-obsessed folk would do, but what does her family think of it all?
Katie’s stepdad Paul has described her wedding as “Groundhog Day”. He didn’t say that in his speech, did he?
Oh yes, he did.
“Kate and Kieran, third time lucky, this reminds me of my favourite film Groundhog Day,” The Sun reports Paul as saying at the wedding.
Paul also claims to have sat Kieran down once he knew the relationship was serious (that wasn’t long) and gave the husband-to-be a few tips on living with Katie.
“I gave him a few pointers on how to handle Kate,” Paul said, “Always put the children first, otherwise you will lose her. Always work or you will lose her repect.
And, most importantly, don’t always let her get her own way!”
Katie Price and Kieran Hayler on their wedding day.
We’re hoping Kieran took all these down with a pen somewhere, the advice is from the longest-surviving man in Pricey’s life, he should realise it’s invaluable.
At the moment Katie is pregnant with her fourth child and Kieran’s first.
Here’s hoping Hayler keeps her happy…