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26th Jul 2012

Have These Celebrities Got the Buffest Beach Bodies in the World?

So very many beautiful men out there, yet only five places on this list. Find out which gorgeous celebs topped a new survey to find the buffest beach bod.

Rebecca McKnight

Are These The Hottest Beach Bodies in the World?

We’re just glad we didn’t have to decide on this one, because if we had to pick the guys we’d still be here arguing in a week…

A survey carried out by has named these lovely men as having the buffest beach bodies in the world. Feel free to comment on your favourite, and drool over the pics. Counting down from number five, the hottest beach bodies belong to…

5. Cristiano Ronaldo

Watching the football is always that little bit better when this guy whips his top off…

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4. Daniel Craig

That scene – the water, the body, the tiny trunks…

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3. Channing Tatum

Magic Mike. Enough said.

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2. Brad Pitt

Now that he’s all responsible and adult like, we don’t get to see much of Brad’s bod. This was back in the good old days. Sob.

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1. David Beckham

The top spot belongs to Beckham, and we can see why. All we’re saying is when Victoria chose, she chose well…

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Do you agree with the votes? Or is there a total hottie you can’t believe they forgot? Leave a comment and let us know!
