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23rd Aug 2012

Has Shia lost his LaBeouf-ness?

When he first came into the spotlight via Transformers, Shia LeBeouf was clean-shaven and a bit of alright. Now, he's a little rougher around the edges but has it really affected his good looks?

Rebecca McKnight

Liberty Ross wasn’t the only celebrity worth noticing at the premiere of film Lawless last night.

Leading man Shia LaBeouf was also in attendance. The 26 year old actor was wearing a smart-looking suit but it was hard to ignore the scruffy looking locks he has been sporting for the last year.

Shia LaBeouf at the premiere of his new film Lawless yesterday.

These snaps mark an incredible difference to the clean-shaven, and to put it bluntly much better looking, Shia of two years ago.

Hardly recognisable: Shia at the New York premiere of Transformers a year ago.

Do you agree: has Shia lost his buffness?
