Loved by grannies across the land, country crooner Daniel O’Donnell is famous for his loyal legion of fans but it seems his mammy is making a name for herself with a talent of her own.
Keen knitter Julia O’Donnell is on a mission to keep some of the most famous people in the world nice and toasty so has been sending handmade knitted garments to figureheads including Pope Benedict and most recently the Queen!
The Donegal woman’s mission started in October 2011 when she sent the pope a pair of hand-knitted socks and the 93-year-old reveals that she received a set of rosary beads and a letter of thanks from the head of the Catholic Church in return.
Julia with her treasured rosary beads
But what inspired the 93-year-old’s latest creation? Speaking to The Independent, Julia revealed: “”I decided to knit the gloves for the queen when I saw all that footage of her walking her corgis in the cold.
“I have great time for the queen.”
Daniel who is currently on a cruise ship tour of the US is yet to see his mammy’s latest letter
And it seems that the feeling is mutual because Daniel’s mammy received a letter of appreciation from Buckingham Palace two days ago which will now take pride of place beside her loot from the pope!
The queen and the pope, united by hand knitted garments from wee Daniel’s mammy – sure isn’t that lovely now altogether.