We all strive to achieve the perfect pout, studying beauty articles from top to bottom, but now we have some top celebrity advice to boot!
The advice comes from none other than top pout girl Rihanna.
The Caribbean star has said she is “addicted” to a “nice pout”, and she is willing to share her secret.
Rihanna said she has learnt a few top industry tips from working with make-up artists along the way, and has revealed her favourite beauty look.
“I’ve always liked a nice pout. A make-up artist taught me to always use lip liner and now I’m addicted!” she told Closer magazine.
“To make my lips look fuller, I trace the line a little bit outside of my natural lip line.”
From ourselves, just make sure your lip liner colour is not too dark for either your skin or lips… we’re thinking Jolie smile, not Anderson trout pout. Also, make sure to stretch your lips back over your teeth when you’re drawing to be able to see your natural lip line clearly.
Rihanna says she traces her lip line just outside her natural lip shape for maximum pout effect.
Rihanna says despite her love for mixing up her fashion look, she always has to feel comfortable with what she’s wearing. The 24-year-old beauty insists there would be certain trends she’d avoid if she felt they didn’t suit her.
“I let hairstylists and make-up artists try anything, but I’ll say: ‘I’m not sure if I like this’ if I need to,” she said.
“Because it’s my face that’s out there, so I have to make sure it’s right.”
Rihanna is certainly not shy when it comes to showing off her curves but the singer said she has become happier with her body over the years.
“I don’t think anyone is 100 per cent confident, but after a while you get comfortable with the fact that that’s your body, and that I had to learn,” she said.