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09th Nov 2012

Foolproof Friday Night Hair

Going out straight after work and didn’t have time to wash your hair this morning? There’s nothing worse than that flat, limp and kinda greasy hair feeling but we’ve devised the perfect cheat hairstyles that you can achieve in minutes in the office loo! Dry shampoo at the ready...


The Pony Tail:

The ponytail had fallen out of favour with the fash pack for a couple of years but this season it’s back and better than ever. For a chic after dark look, keep your pony sleek and straight with your parting visible. Smooth down any flyaways with hairspray and make sure your elastic blends in with your hair colour or try a metallic hair accessory instead.

Kate Bosworth keeps it sleek in a slicked back pony

The Top Knot:

If you haven’t already mastered the top knot, now is the time to start! It’s super easy and you can make it as dishevelled or as neat as you like. If your hair is feeling flat and limp or is quite short and you want to create a bit of volume, give it a liberal spritz of dry shampoo and then cheat with a hair doughnut. It will give your top knot a bit of volume and is fool proof to use. Simply loop the hair through and fix in place with bobby pins. 

Add some statment earrings to really make your top knot stand out

Back Combed:

The good news is, it’s easier to back comb hair when it hasn’t been freshly washed so it’s just as well you skipped the shampoo this morning! Divide your hair into sections and work a fine toothed comb through the underneath layers of your hair as you want the hair that’s most visible at the top to appear smooth and fuzz free. You’re going for sexy bedhead here, not an 80s style boufant so be careful not to over comb! 

Kate shows us how tousled back combed hair should look

