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12th Dec 2012

Do You Dream Of Having Disney Hair? Now You Can In One Simple Step…

From Belle to Ariel, who's your favourite?


Hands up if you’re a massive Disney fan and have since childhood coveted the tumbling tresses of your favourite cartoon heroin?

Well now thanks to a New York based retailer you can actually get Disney hair… yes, actual cartoon figures on extensions that can be clipped into your own hair.

They’re kind of hideous but our eight-year-old selves kind of love them at the same time and only wish they were around back in the day. Sigh.

With so many pretty options to choose from it’s hard to pick a fave…

So, if you do want to embrace your inner Belle, Ariel or Cinders check out where you can order your very own set. 

Hmm, they look… interesting
