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12th Aug 2015

Tinder is Having A Complete Meltdown Over A Vanity Fair Article

A series of tweets from the verified Tinder account show just how unhappy the company is...

Rebecca McKnight

Tinder has just taken a major “swipe” of it’s own… at Vanity Fair.

Representatives for the online dating app have taken to the verified Twitter account for the company to fight back against an editorial published in Vanity Fair‘s September issue.

In the piece, journalist Nancy Jo Sales quotes a psychology professor who said that “the impression that there are thousands or millions of potential mates” encouraged men to engage in “a short-term mating strategy”.

Tinder and other dating apps were suggested to play a role in rising divorce rates and more unstable relationships.

In a series of over 30 tweets, an unidentified Tinder employee let off some serious steam, accusing Sales of having an “incredibly biased view” and slamming her for not approaching the company for comment.

Read from the bottom up to get the full flow as it happened.

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All tweets via the official Tinder account